A Duh-kinda Moment

I just had something funny happening. Was watching “Almost Famous” (cute movie by the way). Now, imagine a nice song playing, sunset, some desert state in the US. A bus is driving towards the horizon and here I am thinking: “Hmm, kind of strange that the bus is driving on the right side of the road”. The Duh! realization of course sank in rather quickly…:D

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Sushi Makes The Heart Grow Fond

I spent about 2.5 hours in Tesco yesterday spending 76Euro on groceries and toilettries. Long live thee credit card! But you know how it is, you need to have a base stock of food at home and then things here are really expensive so it does make sense. I also bought a cork screw but I think I left it in the shopping cart, as I couldn’t find it anywhere at home in my bags. *sniff* Good thing that was only 2.99 but still – another night without good wine (as in without the cork in the bottle).
But yeah, I also got some surimi (those fake crab sticks) so I made sushi this morning for my lunch box. Its cuteness never fails to brighten my day at lunch time. Will upload the picture later. Can’t wait to eat it! Yum! Still haven’t found ranch dressing but I did find garlic and herb dressing which looked a bit like it so I’m trying that with celery today. Sorry for boring you but I love food! 😀
Anyways, after hauling all that home last night – my shoulders are still hurting – I just had some toast and tea and then watched 5 episodes of Sex and the City and briefly talked to my Mom but their phone line was kind of broken and cut us off. Oh I also chatted with an old roommate from Charlotte times. We used to always fight because he never cleaned but our chat last night was quite nice. Always good to catch up with old acquaintances.
This morning I am wearing one pair of my new shoes (black ballerinas) and I love them but unfortunately when I got to the office my one foot was bleeding pretty badly. Outsh! Good thing my company makes band-aids.
Oh and also on my way to work today, guess what I saw! A car with Hanover license plates! Home sweet home! Was pretty surprised to see one here.
By the way, the phots on flickr are from my walk to work yesterday just to show you the horrible sidewalk and all the trash that’s everywhere. Surprisingly, one corner looked much better this morning with only about 5 pieces of trash (we’re not just talking chewing gum but bigger stuff like cups, newspaper…) laying around. 🙂
Today’s agenda has a trip to Lidl on it because they have clothes airers (laundry racks) on sale and I need one. Used my last pair of black socks this morning and well, now one of them is bloody. Ewww! 😉
Alrighty, have a fabulous day and enjoy your lunches!

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Bloody Rainy Pancake Day

Slash what I wrote in the last entry. After working over time (you know how it is, you sit around until you’re almost ready to go and then things start to get busy), getting a burger at Mr. Perri’s Take Away (and I had so hoped that it was a Chinese take away :-() I started walking home. After about 100 meters it started to frickin’ pour down. The rain was so much, I couldn’t see a damn thing so I pretty much staggered home through deep puddles and mud – yeah a proper sidewalk in my area hasn’t been financed by the European Union just yet! The fucking drops hurt when they hit my skin and by the time I got home I was soaked to my underwear. Bloody weather…

Excuse my French but it was just that bad

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Sunny Pancake Day

Happy Pancake Day everyone!

Pancake Day
In United Kingdom, Ireland, and Australia, Shrove Tuesday is known colloquially as Pancake Day. The traditional pancake is a very thin one, (like a French crêpe) which is served immediately and optionally sprinkled with caster sugar (confectionery, superfine or powdered sugar in the United States) and a dash of fresh lemon juice or alternatively drizzled with golden syrup or jam.

In Australia, UnitingCare Australia (the social services arm of the Uniting Church in Australia) has promoted Pancake Day as a nation-wide community event that raises awareness for the plight of disadvantaged people by raising money for UnitingCare’s work.

So of course I had to eat some pancakes today. You know, when in Rome do as Romans do or as in my case when in Dublin, do as Dubliners do. 😉 Well alright so almost as Dubliners do because I don’t have a whisk or a mixer at my place and thus I just ate the ALDI pancakes that you can see in my lunch box. 😀

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