This Is Really Good – Photo A Day 3


Cheetos with Jalapeños that came with my lunch today. Couldn’t pass up on them but dang, should have eaten three lactaids and not just one!! Yup, over the past two years or so I’ve become lactose intolerant – or as my friend Meghan lovingly calls it, lactarded! 🙂 I always thought that was some crazy disorder but apparently it is quite common for (especially) adults to stop being able to digest dairy properly. I’ve found easy solutions: eat less dairy, take lactase when you do and choose cheeses that are mature enough to have no lactose left in them (currently loving Cabots Reserve Chedder Cheese). Thankfully I’m finding more and more lactose free dairy products, too. I have to say though, Germany surprisingly has a leg up on lactose-free products. Over there it has become the “gluten-free” label of the day. Here in the US gluten-free definitely has been a much bigger buzz compound word than lactose-free. To me that’s quite surprising since about 75% of adults have some degree of lactardedness (says Wikipedia) compared to less than 1% of the population having Celiac Disease and requiring gluten free products (also Danke Wiki). So looking at those numbers, next time your annoying co-worker has flatulence, why not have a talk about lactose intolerance to clear the air?!

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Spring Is Here

Crazy to think that only a week ago we got hit by a winterstorm and got almost 10cm of snow when today people are walking around in shorts and flipflops at 26°C! The snow transformed the city into a beautiful winter wonderland and the streets into ice-skating rinks. So lucky me, I got to sleep in! Didn’t have to go to work until noon on Monday and 10am on Tuesday. The sun here is so powerful that it melted the ice on the streets right off – took a little longer in my parking lot but eventually the warmth prevailed – flip flops today.
Sometime during this week the weather changed. I didn’t quite notice. Thursday I stayed home sick with the flu. Hadn’t had the flu in what feels like forever. I felt really sick but in some weird way it was nice to do nothing but sleep and nap and doze and concentrate on getting better. I think a few more days and I’ll be back to normal. Can’t wait to go back to the gym!
I still love love love my apartment. It is hard to believe that I went from no furniture to everything (and more ;-)) in a little over a month. I was heavily anticipating the opening of a well-known Swedish furniture chain. Funnily by then I already had a ton of great home fillings and most even better value than IKEA pieces! Got a great coffee table (ok so it’s officially a bench) from Target for 35$ (reduced from over 100) and so on. Yay! The place really feels like my place and I feel very comfortable there.
Other than that, it’s a recession, baby! The economy is rotten. Most likely I am back to working 40 hours so that is great news! Yay! 🙂

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Sick Puppy

So ever since my friend Jens left 5 weeks ago I’ve had a throat ache on and off and have just been feeling a little blah. I felt fine one week and then blah the next. Rather annoying but I thought it was the weather change and all the stress going on with work and all these visitors (who I truly enjoyed but it was a lot going on). I kept taking my good old German medicine and the throat aches left me again. Well, last week on Monday after a tremendous amount of fun at the Nascar race (touch football, moonshine, redneckin’, BBQing, sitting on a state trooper’s bike) and more weekend fun with Rich and Scott here, I woke up with pretty bad throatache again. OK nothing new. Annoying but whatever. Well Wednesday I was fed up with it as I could feel that it was my tonsil that was swollen and hurting me. Went to the urgent care center (I love those, doctors offices that are open before and after work and where you don’t need an appointment) expecting to get a prescription for antibiotics and good.
After some confusion from the nurses (uhm you already asked me all those questions) they took my temperature, which was up, and a strep test. You know, the one where they poke long cotton swabs in your throat. Gag! Well that was negative. So the super nice doctor lady comes in with this box full of vials and needles and she’s like: we’re gonna take your blood. Yikes!!! Didn’t expect that!!
Long story short, I got out there and grabbed my “wonder mouth wash” (lidocaine, anti allergy, and anti something else mix that completely numbs your mouth) and some antibiotics. Cool stuff, you only had to take 3 pills and that was that. My tonsil got better instantly. I had some stomach cramps after the first pill but was fine thereafter. Yay!
Then the doc called sometime later to tell me the back-up test for strep was negative. Cool. Today they called me with the back-up results for the blood test (quick response test had been negative, too) and as I had already suspected, it’s Epstein-Barr virus that has been bugging me and making me feel iffy all these weeks. Sounds scary but it’s really not, just very annoying. Does mono or Pfeiffersches Druesenfieber ring a bell? Makes you feel fatigued, have fever and sore throat. Some people get so sleepy they can’t get anything done but most people don’t even have any symptoms. And I’m not some outcast or whore for having it ;-), 50% of children have it and 95% of people under 40. Kinda like chickenpox, once you’ve had it you’re done with it. And no, kissing isn’t the only way you can get it, it’s airborne, too, or you know sharing a drink etc can do the trick. Yeah yeah. Oh and great fun, it can last weeks!!
Annoying. I wanna go back to the gym and I wanna feel super healthy again (though I feel really good today, hopefully it’s pretty much over by now) but I guess I’ll continue taking it easy, eat lots of fruits and go to bed early. Sigh. But yeah no worries, it just sounds scary. And hey, odds are you’ve already had it ;-).

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Three Weeks Done

I’m totally behind in my blogging since Time Warner Cable and my housing association both blame eachother for my cable’s not working and I don’t have internet access. But due to my work computer’s slowness and my having to wait for photoshop to react I can blog a bit now. It’s like I do one click, it freezes, it unfreezes, I do another click, it freezes again and so on and so on.
Anyway, I am finally healthy again after that bronchitis and then a lovely bladder infection that sent me looking for an urgent care center (kind of hard without internet). The antibiotics cleaned me up quite well and they were only 25$. I was shocked! Still have to hand that in to my insurance but yeah. Not bad!
Other than that, life has been nice. Last week was super warm and we ate lunch outside most of the days. It really does feel like a break when you get to sit on a patio and feel like you’re getting toasted. It’s super cold today though!
Hmmm, what else did I do?! Hung out with the boys at the pub next door, had sushi at my favorite sushi restaurant with a friend of a friend, went shopping (me wants macbook), saw a huge organic supermarket, received my first Christmas mail, went out clubbing on Thursday (but that wasn’t too bad and I didn’t drink), helped Giorgio move (I think I was carrying much more than the lazy boys but oh well), went out to dinner afterwards and got really weird vibes from M’s girlfriend, slept horribly because of someone’s snoring and too much noise from upstairs, had sushi buffet on Saturday and then we all hung out at Giorgio’s new place and watched TV before going out for dinner, did laundry on Sunday, read a good book, watched Christmas movies and baked cookies with Chadi and Giorgio.
Busy life here…. I love my boys but I really miss my girlfriends and I haven’t properly talked to my family since I got here!!! Stupid internet provider 🙁

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