Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

So I’m officially in a Christmas mood again! Was starting to feel really un-Christmassy here with the nice weather and so much going on. But, last night at the supermarket they had Advent Calendars!!!! Real German ones, too! I was sooooo happy! 😀 Then we watched Elf at Giorgio’s place and that was so Christmassy, too that we tuned into Christmas Carol Radio in the car and so yeah,… bring on Christmas! Will try to buy a little fake tree later today, too. Hehe! Are you in Christmas Spirit yet, too?

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First Week Recap

So my first week here is over and I feel like I’ve been here much longer considering how much I’ve done so far. Ok so Sunday I got coffee with Chadi and then we went to Giorgio’s until he threw us all out because some girl was gonna come over. Cooked some food and read Cosmo with Chadi later on and then all of a sudden it was Monday morning. Work has been going well so far. There’s a lot going on right now with the new year approaching and some trade shows coming up. Not really much time to learn how to do all that but I’m taking more of a “just do it” approach. But my co-workers are all nice and I really enjoy what I do.
I think Monday night I hung out with my neighbors and we watched some telly and chatted. It was good to see them again after these months. I also went to CVS and bought a cell phone but you had to activate it online and well, my connection here is almost non-existant so I couldn’t activate it. Tuesday I then went over to Chadi’s to take care of that and we watched The Rock – about which I had totally forgotten how nasty it can be. I also got so lucky and got some yummy pizza and super sweet cake from Chadi. Yum!
Wednesday night we hung out at my place for a bit and my neighbors Karl and Ash visited, too. We had to go to Coyote Joe’s then, which is a huge country club (not as in country club but as in music club). Loads of fun chuckeling over the line dancers and then after a few beers we headed uptown to Connoloy’s where we met Manuel and some of his co-workers. A Guiness there and then we finally did what we had intended to do, we saw our co-worker play the drums in his surf band. Fun times but I think I had another beer there so after a quick stop at Forum, which included dancing, we headed to Fuel and the boys made me eat pizza and drink loads of water. I think I actually spilled that one cup. Embarrasing! Finally around 2am we were home but ugh, I was drunk…
Thursday morning proved to be not so nice but not horrible. I went to the bathroom and had to lay down there because I got pretty dizy but after the more or less cold shower I was half way ok. The pizza party at work was the third day in a row for pizza but it was nonetheless YUMMY! Don’t think I did much on Thursday night but yesterday Giorgio and I went uptown and met with Massimo and a bunch of other Italians. I was good and only drank Coke and Sprite because I have this evil cough and my throat is kind of sore….
This morning, TimeWarnerCable was supposed to hook up my internet and TV. They said they were gonna come between 8 and 12 and they’d call half an hour before. So I didn’t set my alarm, seeing that they’d call me early enough. Well at 9 the guy calls and says he’d be there in 10 minutes. Oh-Kay. So that was a quick getting out of bed jump. He tried to set up everything but couldn’t really do it. So at 11:30 he calls his supervisor who then comes out around 12. This guy does all the same things and woopdido, nothing happens. Ahhhh! They said I’d have to talk to my housing society but I don’t even know what to ask them. Nice… So frustrating! And then the guys used my guest bathroom and you know what, the dude not only left the seat up but also left the lights on! Tzzz! Unbelievable! 😉
So the pointlessness of the day goes on. We’ve got a lot going on at work right now and so I was asked to come in today and help them out for let’s say 4 hours or so. Well, I was done after 2 hours, which seems pretty pointless to me considering the half hour drive each way. Oh well. So then to improve the day I got sushi from Harris Teeter – yum! Forgot to pick up bread and tea but OH WELL! In a couple of minutes I’ll grab a coffee with the boys and hopefully I’ll get to see Yung as well. So yeah, I’m keeping busy. 😀 I miss boredom 😉

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I said I was gonna go shopping and so I did. Thankfully my company gave me a car that I can use until I find my own so I drove to SuperTarget and spent around 200$. Yikes! Well, you know how hard it is in the beginning to stock up on basic groceries and then I needed a few things like a water filter, a kettle, a small pot (because there were only 2 huge pots left in the house – not sure where the others went….), two fleece blankets, a large trash can, soap and all that stuff, candles……. yeah. Afterwards I was exhausted. Too much walking around trying to find everything.
I almost fell asleep on the sofa watching college football – ’cause that’s really the only TV channel that I get not too fuzzy right now but thankfully Giorgio and Chadi then showed up and we went uptown to eat pizza and coffee. Funny story, the owner of the coffee place actually remembered me from two years ago when I was at his other restaurant with some friends. Talk about good memory (though I keep thinking about whether or not I left such an embarrasing impression that I burned into his memory….).
Went to a party in south Charlotte then. It was supposed to be a World Party but it was more like a Latin music party with a belly dancer. They had Caipi though so that was great. Got home around 2am and went straight to bed. Aparently my body has arrived here but my inner clock is still back in Europe. You’d think after not much sleep on the day I flew in and then 6 hours the night after, I’d sleep in but noooo. I woke up at 5am. 3 hours of sleep – great. Yeah I didn’t think I’d be any good at work tomorrow so after tossing and turning for half an hour or so I took some melantonin. It took forever to work but I finally fell back asleep (yay drugs!) and stayed like that until 11. Oh bliss!
Organized my bathroom and walk-in closet today (yay), got some more groceries and sushi from Harris Teeter, looked at pre-paid cell phone deals (complicated is an understatement…) and later on it’s prolly a movie with the gang or I don’t know. Keeping busy anyway. 🙂

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Just A Tad Bit Panicky

I’m borderline totally freaked out. Trying to push everythign as far out of my mind as possible but it keeps creeping back into my head, why the heck do I not just stay home in my little town and do some normal things?! Nope, I always have to go abroad and not see my family and friends for a while and wander off. Yeah. I sit in my teenage room here and I’ve got all my things here and I get really sad about only being able to take two suitcases along. Stupid, huh? It’s not like I need all the crap that I have here but I get melancholic even when I take one of my mugs out of our kitchen cabinet to make tea. STUPID!
It’s just kind of weird, seeing that I was waiting for this visa to go through since August and now that it’s finally close to happening, I panick because it’s all going so quickly (the plan is to get the OK on Friday, have a party on Saturday (you’re invited if you’re near Hildesheim!!)receive the visa on Monday, fly out Tuesday). Though thinking about that, I might have to fly out Wednesday so I don’t have to panick about not getting my passport in time. Hmmmm. Something to think about in case I do get it.
Ahhhhh! I’ll be back in a year, nothing to worry about but ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Anyway, I’m collecting binding ties right now. What do you think? work contract for 01/01/2009, letter from my local sports club, my local registration card (Meldebescheinigung), list of upcoming big family events in Germany, liability and glasses (Fielmann Nulltarif :-D) insurance contracts, bank account statement, print outs of my stock funds (not that I have many but I figure stocks are kind of a long term investment so it might be a good thing to take along). Other than that I could take a photo of the German boyfriend and me or a letter from my parents saying that all my crap is at their place and I’d better get back and take care of it. Any other ideas? *panicks*

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