365 Days Take 2

I’m giving my life a purpose again… lemme try taking a self portrait every day for 365 days again. Yay! So I’ll try really hard to complete the 365 days project this time around. It should be easier because Rich has already agreed to do it too so we can motivate ourselves. Anybody else who wants to join in??

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Happy Belated Blog Day 2007

Ok so I’m 2 weeks late and Kim has tagged me twice and commanded that I write about 5 blogs that I find interesting, soooo……

To give you something to read while I’m in Frankfurt and Imola why don’t you check out:

1. The Frankfurt Files
One of the people I’m visiting in Frankfurt is Dave who writes about an American’s perceptions of life in Germany. He writes so funny that my mom actually reads the blog, too!

2. Symone
Symone and her hubby just moved to Ireland this summer and I really enjoy her photos and stories from there. She actually likes living there so it’s interesting to read her thoughts about Ireland and compare them to my own. 😉

3. Dr. Apple Goes Pepper
Susi writes stories about her life in Miami and New York City and while she doesn’t write that often, her entries are always sure to make me laugh out loud.

4. Tausend kleine Dinge in Amerika
Kai Blum explains (in German) little things from the US. I really enjoy reading his random entries.

5. Ute’s World
I’ve read Ute’s (German) blog for ages now starting from her being an au-pair in Connecticut to being back in Germany to now studying over there again. Gotta love that girl and the drama that’s constantly trying to get the better of her – but never does in the end.

Well seeing that this entry is two weeks overdue i’m not gonna tag anyone to post something on August 31st 2007. It’d be a bad start to be late already, huh? Enjoy browsing!

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I am no where near an addiction to myspace or surf around it all the time but sometimes it’s really cool! I just found my old host-brother and host-sister from my year in NJ 1998/1999. Couldn’t get in touch with them anymore because they had moved from the address that I had. I can’t believe how old they are now! My bro was 7 when I lived with them and now he’s 16!!! That’s how old I was when I lived with them for cripes sake! The sis is 14 now – wow!! When we shared a room she was 5!! So they are teenagers now, the boy is going to high school and I’m sure they’re all cOoL anD DaT! 😉
Seems like they never aged to me, as they’re still these small kids in my head, all sweet, and now the girl is wearing sun glasses and is showing of her body! Well, long time no see I guess! 🙂
So thanks myspace!

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