I Wanna Have A Super Power!

… or any power at all for that matter. The electricity card ran out this morning at 5am and no one put a new card in. The f-ing box beeped for like 10 minutes and sleep was just super light after that. Grand…
You see, you can buy 5euro cards and 20 euro cards and those 5euro cards don’t even last 24 hours. Well, I put in a 20euro card on Monday night and that ran out yesterday morning so my roommate put a card in. Well, that card was of 5euro value. Now why anyone would put only 5euro in there I’m not sure. So it’s not my f-ing turn obviously to put a new card in there. I’m still 15euro ahead of her and 20 of the other guy. He’s not home at the moment though and she’s gonna leave for the weekend. Not sure if they feel like if they’s not home they don’t have to pay but damn, it’s their groceries that need some cooling, too.
It’s a really stupid situation and most definitely annoying! If it’s not gonna improve I’ll prolly have to move because electricity I just can’t live without.
So after work today I’ll have to get a new card just in case no one is there. Great… Suckers.

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