Happy New Year!

happyNY2014And just like that 2013 is over. Seems like we had just returned from our cruise in December 2012 and toasted to a fantastic 2013 yesterday. The year just flew by!

And what a year it was! Highlights include:

  • My first time skiing! I actually loved it!
  • I became a permanent resident of the United Stated (yay no more worrying about losing my job and having to leave)
  • Not only did I get to go back to Germany for a trade show once (think free air fare), but twice! Was wonderful to see the family for a few days and I even got to check the beautiful city of Dresden off my bucketlist. My parents also got to meet my love to quiz him about his intentions (nah, they were nice).
  • We bought a house and moved in together! Leap of faith! I guess when you know you know. Never thought I would buy a house with a guy without a ring on my finger and without having lived together. But through it all, everything just felt so right and has been wonderful.
  • I changed jobs, which was such a mixed feelings thing to do. I loved so many things about my old job yet it had become time to move on to new adventures. The new gig is great and the highlight was definitely going to Cancun for three days to observe cases!
  • We finally managed to go to Wisconsin to see where Michael grew up and for a football game of his Alma Mater. Loads of fun meeting all his local friends and the Badgers even won.
  • Our 2013 vacation was a trip to Vermont. Aside from me being stuck overnight in Philadelphia (thanks stupid unexpected snow storm) it was just perfect and super romantic! You know it’s fantastic when you think to yourself “this is so cheesy but I love it”!
  • Michael asked me to marry him! All down on one knee with the most amazing ring and the beautiful scenery of Lake Champlain. Awwww.

So while 2013 put a lot of pressure on 2014 in terms of topping all that, we have a wedding lined-up so that should help make it one of the best years! I am pumped about new opportunities and the fun of planning our special day (hey, I’m a marketer after all).

Wishing you all near and far a great start into 2014! May you always be healthy, happy and have a full belly!

XO Sannipanni

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