No No and Yes

I had a doctor’s appointment this morning and I went with the intention of getting confirmed that my asthma has been really good and I’m basically fine for some disability insurance. After waiting an hour, even though I had an appointment, I spoke to the doc and she had my lungs’ functions tested after giving having me get a quadruple shot (yay for multiple protection in one shot). Well, it turned out that my lungs are only having about 75% of normal capacity right now and some test was even at 65%. I was like “huh?! Nooooooo!” as I really do feel great and my nordic walking is much faster with less huffing and puffing than my Mom’s who does loads of excercise. Ah well, maybe I just didn’t do the test right but either way, I’m gonna have to take some cortisol twice a day now. Fun fun. Not! But if I feel great now, imagine how I’ll feel after having taken that medicine for a while.

In the afternoon I went to the hair dresser to have my hair trimmed. Uhm yeah not too sure what to think of what she did. She just cut shorter and shorter and I was like, uhm… ok way enough. I mean my hair was way too long but I’m not really happy with what she did to me. Hmpf! No!

But yes, I got my flight confirmation and I’m gonna fly to Charlotte in 1.5 weeks and I’ll stay three weeks to relax, hang out in the pool, see all my friends again, shop, and drink loads of sweet tea! Should be fun. Yay!

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Happy Birthday to Me!

Yay, it’s my birthday! My friends were already pretty active and I received text messages, emails and snail mail! Yay! Uti sent a super nice (Irish green) t-shirt. Thanks Sweetpea! Sannie sent a lovely little card. Awww, thanks Sweetie! Richard surprised me with season one of Stromberg (German The Office) though I fear he might want to quiz me on it afterwards ;-). But that’s not all, I also got a sweet card and a scrapbook from our trip to Charleston last year and oh my, it’s fantastic!!! Thanks so much Sweets! Talking about scrapbooking, Kathi also got me a scrapbooking book from my wishlist so hopefully I’ll get loads of inspiration and get some scrapbooking done this summer. Thanks a million Sugardoll! Today’s mail hasn’t yet arrived…. 😉

Oh and if you look at the right hand side of my blog, the visitor count is heading towards 5000. I’m kinda hoping we’ll get there today, would be a neat day to break the 5000 mark. So keep stopping by today to make it happen! 🙂 (Edit: Ah no, it looks like sidemeter is ´stuck once again and doesn’t count today. :()

Alright darlings, I’m off to beautify myself for the big 25 (my silver birthday haha). A quarter century!
Birthday cake and coffee with 4 of my grandparents later in the afternoon and already I’m drooling over the cakes I baked last night… Hehe.

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